5 Things That Will Instantly Upgrade Your Attic

The attic is frequently an awkward space that people end up filling with their belongings. You might be reluctant to go into this space except when absolutely necessary. Hauling heavy items up an unsteady ladder is a pain, and the lighting is frequently poor.

A full attic renovation is not in the budget for many people, but you don’t need to do that to improve your experience. These five cost-effective investments will instantly upgrade your attic space.

How to Instantly Upgrade Your Attic Space

Here are the five things to transform your attic into a space that you’re excited to use for storage.

1. Better Stairs and Handrails

Going up an unstable ladder is dangerous and labor-intensive. You could find yourself putting off chores that involve the attic simply because of the hazardous access conditions. A sturdier stairway improves your level of safety and makes this space more inviting to use. Handrails are another great addition to making this a safer climb.

2. Storage and Shelving

A lack of organization can make accessing your attic stressful. It’s time to get creative with storage solutions for the attic. A few great options include wall shelving, built-in storage units, shelving racks, tote organizers, and storage compartments. Many people turn the slanted space along the walls into small closets and cabinets.

Since these solutions are DIY, they can be budget-friendly options that make a big difference in the usability of this part of the house. Once everything has a space, your attic ends up being a lot more appealing and less stressful in the long run.

3. Lighting and Solid Flooring

Don’t you hate it when you go up into an unfinished attic and have to work around areas with unstable flooring? It’s not just unpleasant, it’s downright dangerous. Insufficient lighting is also a major issue. You can’t see the weak spots in the flooring to avoid them. Get an electrician to install lighting so you have a clear view of the room and put at least one clear path of solid flooring down. These changes might sound minor, but they will have a transformative effect.

4. Insulation

Extreme high and low temperatures can be miserable in an attic without proper insulation. It’s far too hot and stuffy in the summer and freezing in the winter. The irony is that you typically visit your attic the most during this time for winter holiday decor and summer equipment.

Attic insulation makes the room comfortable and keeps your belongings from being exposed to these temperature shifts. It also saves you money by decreasing your overall energy expenses.

5. Attic Storage Lift

How nice would it be to eliminate the need to carry heavy things up the attic stairs? Attic storage lifts are your new best friend. You just load your storage items, push a button, and it takes everything to the attic for you. Installing an attic lift in your home immediately changes how you can use this space. It’s best to choose an attic lift with a large weight capacity so it’s suitable for all of your needs.

For example, the Aladdin Storage Lift can accommodate 500 pounds of belongings. Moving heavy boxes and furniture is a snap with this system. It might seem like a luxury item, but it’s cost-effective and an amazing attic upgrade.

Your attic doesn’t have to be a daunting space. Using one or more of these upgrades will give you a lot more use out of this formerly awkward part of the house.

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